Hi everyone. Today I am going to talk about an ambition that I have. At the first it was a little bit difficult to me choose an ambition and then I thought in something that just makes me happy and I thought in knew new places. I think that the thing that I like most is travel and knew new places, wherever it is. I have a permanent wish to go away from Santiago and I think that I would like to live out from here someday. I would like to live on the south of Chile or maybe in other latinoamerican country, I don't know, for now I just want to leave Santiago.
I want these because I think that traveling gives you chances to knew new places with different weathers, geography, people, colors, textures, smells, etc. I think that go away from your comfort zone -for always or for a time- is a way to live new experiencies and sense another ways of life that have details that maybe you haven't seen before. So I think that traveling or being a nomad I can learn about from the people I could find on the way, from the nature that you will find. To me, I can grow up and transform yourself a lot if you decided yo leave comfort zone and go on a trip, specially if you go alone or with a few persons.
I think that something that inspires these "ambition" is that I feel the necesity of leaving and go away being a nomad for a while. I think that I will be very happy if I realize these wish.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Thursday, November 24, 2016
About a Hobbie
Hi everybody. Today I am going to talk to you about a hobbie that I have and that I like so much to do: tattoing
Since a year ago I take a course about tattoo, where I learned some basics things about tattoo, things about hygiene, Photoshop apply to the tattoo and some other things like the needles, colors, machines, etc. These course was in September of the year 2015 and after a month approximately I bought a machine and some other supplies like ink, gloves, needles, papers, etc. I started practicing with some fruits and a time later some friends volunteered to be tattoed. Obviously some things go wrong sometimes and others the results were very nice.
Obviously, because I am an student, I have not so much time to dedicate to these discipline or almost not all the time that I like to dedicate. In spite of these, I am drawing all the time and practicing some designs for some friends. I am trying to do one tattoo at the week. I consider myself an apprentice and a beginner, very far of a professional.
I enjoy very much making tattoos because I thing that is a very important thing for the people that want one, they want to be marked forever by someone with some image that they always will see on their skin, marks that can remember they good or bad things. I consider tattoo like a therapy and, like any other therapy, it have to be done with respect and not with individual interests.
Also I don't like to see these like a hobbie because I think that is something in that we have to put all the energy and the time, to could learn and practice more and have better results. I would like to dedicate to these someday.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Hi everyone. I have to say that it was very difficult to me have to choose between food and the sport that I practice because I love both of them and because I think that these two things are not just food or just phisical activity, I think that our food is our medicine and the sport a way to train the body to have a better worldly experience.
So, inspite of these I decide to talk about the sport that I practice: yoga.
I started practicing yoga two years ago in a school called "Loknath traditional yoga", a place where they try to do yoga like it was traditionally practiced in India, this means, not just doing a lot of asanas (the postures) and not just with a fitness purpose. Instead of these we practice breathing excercises to clean our body and mind, we sing mantras (songs in sanskrit lenguage which vibrations have benefits to you), we meditate and, of course, we practice the asanas.
In these two years I have learn that the body is just a worldly vehicle, a way to connect with these reality and the things that we can found here. In these way, yoga doesn't look for a perfect body, yoga means union and all the practice that we do is a way to train the body so it wont be a obstacle at the moment of meditation. If you train your body with breathing, mantras and asanas you could keep the meditations postures longer and focus more and better.
I should recomend to all the people practice yoga, because it is a very good physical and mental excercise and teach you a lot of things.

Thursday, October 27, 2016
Natural medicine
So, today I am going to talk about an ideal job to me. To me is a little bit difficult to choose an ideal job because I think that I am a little bit distant of the anthropology's working reality and it is something that I don't like think so much. So, if I started thinking in my future as anthropologist I just can see paperwork or investigations and it is not something that motivate me so much. For these reason I am going to talk about some jobs that are not associated with anthropology. In spite of these, if I have to choose something to do as anthropologist I would like to do some works as a volunteer in differents countrys.
So, if I have to choose some ideal job I would choose something in that I could help people in a direct way. In some period of my life I wanted to study medicine because with that educational tool I could help people in a very important area of their lifes: their health. Then I realize that I don't like so much the "traditional" or western medicine. So if I have to choose a job I would like working helping people with alternative medicine, like Bach flowers, medicinal plants, reiki, acupunture, etc. I would like to do these job because I think that it is so many things in the people that can't be cure with traditional and pharmaceutical drugs, like some sickness that are cause by emotional traumas or by some energy lock or imbalance. To could do these job I should know a lot of human body and their energy, a lot about plants and a lot about illness. Also I should develop a lot my capacity of implicate and connect with people. I think that, more than a money reward, I would like to get satisfaction with the good health of people. If I can help them to fix their health they should have a better life in a lot of ways and I think that these is a priceless reward.
So, if I have to choose some ideal job I would choose something in that I could help people in a direct way. In some period of my life I wanted to study medicine because with that educational tool I could help people in a very important area of their lifes: their health. Then I realize that I don't like so much the "traditional" or western medicine. So if I have to choose a job I would like working helping people with alternative medicine, like Bach flowers, medicinal plants, reiki, acupunture, etc. I would like to do these job because I think that it is so many things in the people that can't be cure with traditional and pharmaceutical drugs, like some sickness that are cause by emotional traumas or by some energy lock or imbalance. To could do these job I should know a lot of human body and their energy, a lot about plants and a lot about illness. Also I should develop a lot my capacity of implicate and connect with people. I think that, more than a money reward, I would like to get satisfaction with the good health of people. If I can help them to fix their health they should have a better life in a lot of ways and I think that these is a priceless reward.

Saturday, October 22, 2016
About a friend
Hi everyone. Today I am going to talk to you about a very special friend from me, her name is Antonia and I met her when we were little girls in our first day in school, on kinder, the year 2001. We were class mates since these day until 2013, when we graduate from school. At now we know each other for fifteen years. We share a history in common and we have lived a lot of adventures together.I think that we share a similar way to see the life, people and human relations, so we can talk a lot about a lot of differents things whithout get bored. Also both of us like photograph and art, similar artists and these things. But I think that we are very different in some other things, but these differences are not bad, these differences are good to us because we can learn from each other and complement us. Although we are studing differents things in differents universities we see us continued, like one or two times in a week. She is like a sister to me and I am very grateful of her company, I am a very reserved person but I can talk a lot of things with her, I trust in her and I know that she will never judge me. In the picture there is Antonia and me, in Mancera, Valdivia.
Hello everyone!. I started thinking about presents that I remember most and it was a little bit difficult to choose one in particular. So, I thinked in my last birthday and I remembered that a friend gave me something very special to me: stones. She gave me like six stones that she recolected in Brasil, during a travel that we made together. I liked very much that present because it remembered me the trip and all the beautiful places that we visited and all the nice moments that we share in that places. Also, the stones are beautifuls and I think that they keept some energies from the places that they comes. It was a very special gift. Today the stones are in my bedroom, in a shelf next to my bed, so I can see they everyday and feel their energy.
Also, I think the best presents that I have received are the company of the people around me. Also I like so much when these persons gave me presents made by them, like letters, drawings, paintings, pictures, etc.
Also, I think the best presents that I have received are the company of the people around me. Also I like so much when these persons gave me presents made by them, like letters, drawings, paintings, pictures, etc.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Hi everyone, today I'm going to talk to you about a place that I would like to know very much someday. This place is the Tayrona's national park, in the caribean region of Colombia. Tayrona have 15.000 hectares aprox. and 3000 of these hectares are sea. These park have a lot of floral diversity, you can find 350 species just of seaweed and in the earth's surface there are other 770 differents species of plants.
So, if you go to Tayrona you will find idillyc scenerys: beachs with white sands, crystalline and warm waters, tropical weather and a lot of huge and dense vegetation that remembers you the jungle. Also the park have a lot of diversity about fauna.
To arrive to the park you have to walk some kilometres in this vegetation and then you suddenly arrive to a paradisiac beach, really amazing I think.
Also, in the park you can find some archaeological sites and settlements that shows the existence of Tayrona culture, who habited the zone before the Spanish arrival.
For all these reasons Tayrona is considered one of the most importants nature reserves in Sudamérica.
I really would like to be on Tayrona right now, enjoyng the peace of the beach and the jungle.
So, if you go to Tayrona you will find idillyc scenerys: beachs with white sands, crystalline and warm waters, tropical weather and a lot of huge and dense vegetation that remembers you the jungle. Also the park have a lot of diversity about fauna.
To arrive to the park you have to walk some kilometres in this vegetation and then you suddenly arrive to a paradisiac beach, really amazing I think.
Also, in the park you can find some archaeological sites and settlements that shows the existence of Tayrona culture, who habited the zone before the Spanish arrival.
For all these reasons Tayrona is considered one of the most importants nature reserves in Sudamérica.
I really would like to be on Tayrona right now, enjoyng the peace of the beach and the jungle.
Thursday, September 22, 2016
The Chihiro's travel
I will told you about the last movie I have seen on the cinema, although I have already seen these movie before on internet, yesterday I went to see it to the cinema Normandie because there is nothing like watch a good movie on a big screen, without cuts and with high resolution, it makes the experience better. So, the movie I watched yerterday was The Chihiro's travel, a film directed by Hayao Miyazaki and was seen by the first time on 2001 in Japan.
The movie is about a little girl (Chihiro) who is leaving her house and school because she and her family are moving away. So in the beginning Chihiro is so sad because she is leaving her friends and her house. When they are arriving to the new village they found a tunnel in which they only can pass by foot. Leaving they car behind, the family (mom, dad and Chihiro) go deep in to the tunnel and when they go out they realize that they are on an unknown place in which they found restaurants with a lot of food but no one to attend it. While mom and dad eat the food desperately, Chihiro's find a strange boy who tell her that she and her family have to leave the place immediatly. In these point the Chihiro's adventure begin.
I like these movie and I recommend it because it present a friendly animation and shows subjects like the inner trip and the growing up process ilustrated in a little girl. Also all the movie advance like it was a really real dream, so we can fell that we are actually dreaming.
The movie is about a little girl (Chihiro) who is leaving her house and school because she and her family are moving away. So in the beginning Chihiro is so sad because she is leaving her friends and her house. When they are arriving to the new village they found a tunnel in which they only can pass by foot. Leaving they car behind, the family (mom, dad and Chihiro) go deep in to the tunnel and when they go out they realize that they are on an unknown place in which they found restaurants with a lot of food but no one to attend it. While mom and dad eat the food desperately, Chihiro's find a strange boy who tell her that she and her family have to leave the place immediatly. In these point the Chihiro's adventure begin.
I like these movie and I recommend it because it present a friendly animation and shows subjects like the inner trip and the growing up process ilustrated in a little girl. Also all the movie advance like it was a really real dream, so we can fell that we are actually dreaming.
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