Saturday, October 22, 2016


Hello everyone!. I started thinking about presents that I remember most and it was a little bit difficult to choose one in particular. So, I thinked in my last birthday and I remembered that a friend gave me something very special to me: stones. She gave me like six stones that she recolected in Brasil, during a travel that we made together. I liked very much that present because it remembered me the trip and all the beautiful places that we visited and all the nice moments that we share in that places. Also, the stones are beautifuls and I think that they keept some energies from the places that they comes. It was a very special gift. Today the stones are in my bedroom, in a shelf next to my bed, so I can see they everyday and feel their energy.

Also, I think the best presents that I have received are the company of the people around me. Also I like so much when these persons gave me presents made by them, like letters, drawings, paintings, pictures, etc.

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