Thursday, October 27, 2016

Natural medicine

So, today I am going to talk about an ideal job to me. To me is a little bit difficult to choose an ideal job because I think that I am a little bit distant of the anthropology's working reality and it is something that I don't like think so much. So, if I started thinking in my future as anthropologist I just can see paperwork or investigations and it is not something that motivate me so much. For these reason I am going to talk about some jobs that are not associated with anthropology. In spite of these, if I have to choose something to do as anthropologist I would like to do some works as a volunteer in differents countrys.
So, if I have to choose some ideal job I would choose something in that I could help people in a direct way. In some period of my life I wanted to study medicine because with that educational tool I could help people in a very important area of their lifes: their health. Then I realize that I don't like so much the "traditional" or western medicine. So if I have to choose a job I would like working helping people with alternative medicine, like Bach flowers, medicinal plants, reiki, acupunture, etc. I would like to do these job because I think that it is so many things in the people that can't be cure with traditional and pharmaceutical drugs, like some sickness that are cause by emotional traumas or by some energy lock or imbalance. To could do these job I should know a lot of human body and their energy, a lot about plants and a lot about illness. Also I should develop a lot my capacity of implicate and connect with people. I think that, more than a money reward, I would like to get satisfaction with the good health of people. If I can help them to fix their health they should have a better life in a lot of ways and I think that these is a priceless reward.

Resultado de imagen para medicina natural


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice job! I like too much natural medicine because helps people and it's really interesting :)

  3. Heal my gipsy curse with reiki please :(

  4. Wooow you ideal work is very interesting, me too like this area!

  5. Good Job, I need your help haha.
