Hi everyone. I have to say that it was very difficult to me have to choose between food and the sport that I practice because I love both of them and because I think that these two things are not just food or just phisical activity, I think that our food is our medicine and the sport a way to train the body to have a better worldly experience.
So, inspite of these I decide to talk about the sport that I practice: yoga.
I started practicing yoga two years ago in a school called "Loknath traditional yoga", a place where they try to do yoga like it was traditionally practiced in India, this means, not just doing a lot of asanas (the postures) and not just with a fitness purpose. Instead of these we practice breathing excercises to clean our body and mind, we sing mantras (songs in sanskrit lenguage which vibrations have benefits to you), we meditate and, of course, we practice the asanas.
In these two years I have learn that the body is just a worldly vehicle, a way to connect with these reality and the things that we can found here. In these way, yoga doesn't look for a perfect body, yoga means union and all the practice that we do is a way to train the body so it wont be a obstacle at the moment of meditation. If you train your body with breathing, mantras and asanas you could keep the meditations postures longer and focus more and better.
I should recomend to all the people practice yoga, because it is a very good physical and mental excercise and teach you a lot of things.

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